
Join Us

Have you already visited the Community Garden in Glenmoy Avenue Willetton to see what’s happening?

Please call Willetton Community Garden Association (WCGA) Chairperson, Carolyn 0420 926 532 or Deputy Chair, Stella 0455 022 132 or email

We’d love to show you around the garden!

You can join as a Member and be part of all the garden activities then decide if you would like to apply for an individual garden bed.

Please see more information in the WCGA Garden Guidelines.


Membership Fees (Annual)

General Membership 2021
$20 (annual)

Other Memberships
Children/Teens (under 18 years): FREE
Organisation: as negotiated

Other Costs
Individual Plot – 12 month Lease: $30

Membership and plots are from 1st July each year until 30 June in the following year.


Next Steps

  1. Please fill out a Member Application Form, then give the completed form to a member of the Garden Committee. This will be presented at the next committee meeting.
  2. We also ask that each member have a Working With Children Check as the Garden is located on the same grounds as a school kitchen garden. Also, it is a part of our memorandum of understanding with Rostrata Primary School.
    The application form can be collected from Australia Post and the WCGA Secretary can provide assistance with the wording for Part 5. Once the form is completed you will need to return it to an Australia Post Office (a cost of $11 will apply).
    If you already have a valid Working With children Card, then just email the number, expiry date and name on the card to
  3. If you would like an individual garden bed, a plot can be allocated depending on availability after receipt of the lease fee.

Our elected committee meets each month and all members are welcome – contact us on to receive the Willetton Community Garden emails for details about the meetings.

The WCGA conforms to the rules established under the Associations Incorporation Act. You can download our Rules of Association to read more.